3 Essentials For The Most Productive Week Of Your Life

Here are three things you need to commit to in order to make this week the most productive of your life.

Make this week the week you start that thing you've been saying you will do someday.

You’ve been thinking about it for a while and saying you will do it one day. The problem is you haven’t started it yet. Make this the week you begin the work on whatever your “it” is. Start it. No matter how small the step, begin.

Replace your excuses with action.

If you really want your life to Be Something Epic and you want to have an amazingly productive week, you’re going to have to stop accepting your excuses. You must replace your excuses with action.

Here are some thoughts on the subject from @cleverinvestor: "We can always find a reason not to pursue our dreams, not to take action, not to stick our neck out. Our reasons seem perfectly…well…reasonable. But the reality is most people are just plain LAZY.

Here are some excuses that people love to make:
✔️”I don’t have enough time.”
✔️“It’s too late, I should have started earlier.”
✔️“It’s too hard”
✔️“I don’t have enough money.”
✔️”I don’t have any connections.”
✔️“I’m too tired.”
✔️“I’m too young.”
✔️“I’m too old.”
✔️“It’ll take too much time”
✔️“What if I fail?”
✔️“I’m too scared.”
Excuses aren’t really reasons, they’re just how we justify not pursuing what we want in life. We can only succeed when we stop telling ourselves why we can’t, and start living a life that shows we can.

Follow through on one big thing

As you journey to BE SOMETHING EPIC, the third essential you must engage is to follow through on one major step that you either began in your mind or in reality. Remember, you are what you do, not what you say you will do. Intentions mean nothing if they aren't followed by actions. Follow through.

Following through will take you to completion. A finishing. In a way, follow-through is more important than your beginning because, without it, you‘ll end up wasting your time. Most people have the capacity to follow through, but most people do not. The ones who do, end up with the results and the ones who do not, end up with more excuses. It is the way you push to the end that will make the biggest difference.

Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre

Church of God Mission International - Common Impact Centre. We are a local church in Dagenham, United Kingdom. We love God and exist so that all people can find new life in Christ. For more info about us or to plan a visit, please visit our website or connect with us on social media. We hope you are blessed and inspired.


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