Your Source Never Runs Dry

The shepherds of Gerar quarrelled with Isaac's shepherds and said, "This water belongs to us." So Isaac named the well Quarrel. Isaac's servants dug another well, and there was a quarrel about that one also, so he named it "Enmity." He moved away from there and dug another well.

There was no dispute about this one, so he named it "Freedom". He said, "Now the LORD has given us freedom to live in the land, and we will be prosperous here.
Genesis 26:20-22 (GNB)

Like we see in our text above, Isaac was so blessed that people were envious of him and they tried to cheat him of his own wealth. Isaac did not stop digging wells and the people who were coming to take his wells got tired of disturbing him and they left him alone.

No matter how they tried they couldn't stop Isaac from prospering.

In the same way, nothing and no one can stop you from prospering as God has declared concerning you. When the Zarephath woman told Gehazi that she was on her way to make the last meal for her and her son to eat and then die because of the famine in the land, Elijah said to her, “...this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'The bowl will not run out of flour or the jar run out of oil before the day that l, the LORD, send rain." Right now, I declare this same word unto you in every area of your life. You shall experience a divine turnaround, overflow and abundance in that area of our life where it seems there has been dryness.

You will have more wisdom, strength, partners and resources than whatever task you may have to face.

See God as the God of every area of your life. Do not mistake your means for your source. God is your source and He can decide on the means with which to bless you. Even when it looks like one means is getting dry, don't fix your eyes on that means.

Keep your eyes on God and keep seeing His overwhelming grace and superabundance filling and overflowing from your life.

Just as God lovingly gave you Christ, together with Christ, God has freely given you all things, Rom.8:32.

Prayer Focus:
Worship God for being your source and declare that because He is your source, you experience His abundance always.

Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre

Church of God Mission International - Common Impact Centre. We are a local church in Dagenham, United Kingdom. We love God and exist so that all people can find new life in Christ. For more info about us or to plan a visit, please visit our website or connect with us on social media. We hope you are blessed and inspired.

Your Year is Blessed and Secured because You Are in Christ


God's Got Your Hand