15+ Years Wait For UK Settlement Over
My immigration journey with the home office has been a bumpy ride of over 15 years. I was granted a temporary leave to remain in 2009 but it was curtailed along the years with a series of rejected applications
Lead Yourself With Vision
vision is the ability to see what could become, while sight is the ability to see only what exists. We live in a world where many are conditioned and conformed to the usual or the normal either by choice
Your Year is Blessed and Secured because You Are in Christ
I congratulate and welcome you to this new and wonderful year in which we are focusing on Christ like never before and as a result, experiencing great productivity, fruitfulness and increase like never before.
Your Source Never Runs Dry
The shepherds of Gerar quarrelled with Isaac's shepherds and said, "This water belongs to us." So Isaac named the well Quarrel.
God's Got Your Hand
In life, it’s always a good thing if you go into a challenge with the upper hand or as some would say, a strong hand. The
Marvellously Helped
Cheer up because someone great and mighty has got your back! He is called the Holy Spirit. He is the one that proceeds from